About the Author
Nickname: Masaharu
I am a musician who creates music by typing MIDI on a PC. I have composed and arranged music for consumer games, stage music, and musicals in the past.

About this Blog
This blog, “Words to DAW”, describes music production (mock-up production) using software instruments.
Since my genre of music production is orchestral music, I mainly post content related to orchestral MIDI mockup creation.
I provide useful information on orchestrating with DAWs (music production tools), how to use software instruments, and other useful information for creating orchestral mockups.
The DAW I am currently using is Cubase Pro 13. I use Cubase Pro’s unique features such as the Logical Editor and Macros while creating.
Even if you are using other DAWs, please take a look at this blog, as you may be able to make more progress in your production than before by using similar functions and applying similar ideas.
We hope this blog will help enrich your musical life.